World Heart Beat

Exam Successes 2012


During the summer term The World Heart Beat Music Academy entered a total of 75 children in for Trinity Guildhall and Associated Board exams, with 24 children taking over grade 5- Grade 5-Diploma

100% Pass Rate grades 1-8
83% with Distinction or merit
24 children taking over grade 5 – Grade 5-Diploma
22 children took grades 1- 3 within 9 months of learning and playing the instrument

Just a few days before Christmas 2012 our young musicians took their grade exams. The results were magnificent with 100% merit and distinctions which is no joke as 15 of those students were taking Grade 5 and above, some as young as 10.

World Heart Beat uses the power of music to inspire, bring people together and make a positive impact

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